and the Little House in the Big City feels like home! Nancy has done yeowoman work unpacking and putting the place together. Rugs and art make all the difference; cats are venturing out under her watchful eye; the yard is looking ready for the winter; and, she hates books! I'm sure that will be temporary, but yesterday my email was full of "grrr, I HATE books!" I think it was the day of organizing them that did it.
Life in the city is different. I leave the house at 6:45 to catch the 6:57 Number 9 bus. Half an hour later, listening to my Nano and reading a history of Venice, I arrive at 3rd and Salmon for the 5 minute walk to the office. If I take a later bus, it's more crowded and the later bus home in the afternoon is crowded and hits more traffic. I have to remember an umbrella. Everyone says "good morning" and "good night" to the drivers. Not much chatter on the morning bus; more in the afternoon.
Best things? Public transportation, walking distance to grocery, diversity, new projects at work, a zillion restaurants. What I miss? Bustle of Corvallis Lab, Squirrels, Indian Buffet, friends, world traveling with Gary.