Sunday, August 31, 2008

Virtual Vacation: Ashland, the end of Summer, and the Virtual Vacation Wraps Up

Nancy and I made our annual pilgrimage to Ashland, Oregon this weekend to take in some plays with our friend David.

This year it was The Clay Cart (it includes mistaken identities--now there's a surprise), Coriolanus (it's a tragedy of pride), A Midsummer's Night Dream (the first Shakespeare play I ever saw and my 4th time--I don't need to see it again), and A View from the Bridge (another family undone by pride).

I'm no reviewer, so I'll leave that to others. Except to say that Coriolanus and A View from the Bridge were outstanding!

Here are some snaps of the trip.

And the trip home...

I've had fun this year with the Virtual Vacation, but we look forward to a real trip with Ronna and Richard next year. We're thinking Victoria and Vancouver, but that poutine festival in Drummondville sounds pretty damned good!

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