Thursday, November 21, 2013

Dispatch from the Sea: The Motley Crue Lets Their Hair Down

When the weather changes at sea it can really change! A storm blew up, the temperature dropped and mid-deck on the aft lido froze on the fore watch. The ship's smithy quick fashioned some skates and the sailmaker fashioned a few crude costumes, and some of the crue entertained the rest of us.

Amazing how a little impromptu entertainment and a grog or two can lift spirits!

The ship's store could also open and supply the crue with much needed staple supplies:

At the end of the night it was clear that some were more ship-shape than others!

Current location: Latitude: 34.317962 Longitude: -73.305473 Altitude: 40.473038,-73.305473 No Address Available

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